By | 8 March 2016

UPSA And ERMIT Scholarship 2016

The project ERMIT “Entreprenariat, Ressources, Management, Innovation et
Technologies” is a cooperation and mobility programme in the area of Higher
Education, implemented by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
(EACEA) of the European Union (EU).
The project is designed to facilitate the movement of Masters and PhD students
and staff between selected national universities in the African sub-regions as a
me a n s o f b u i l d i n g c a p a c i t i e s a n d
encouraging socioeconomic development in each region.
The project focuses on postgraduate education and research as a means of
strategic capacity development by making available a wide variety of postgraduate
degrees and research opportunities to students from each region and country.
These mobility activities will increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of the
participating Higher Education Institutions towards the ultimate aim of encouraging
‘brain gain’ rather than ‘brain drain’ within each region.
The ERMIT Project is inviting applications
for the following categories: Masters,
D o c t o r a t e a n d A c a d e m i c a n d
Administrative Staff of African countries
in one of the African Partner universities.
Successful candidates can apply for
programmes at one the ERMIT partner
universities. Students from partner
universities (Target Group 1 applicants) as
well as from any other African universities
(Target Group 2 applicants) are also invited
to apply.
The partner universities are:
Ÿ Université de Yaoundé I Cameroun
Ÿ Université Mohammed 1er, Oujda Maroc
Ÿ Université El Manar, Tunis Tunisie
Ÿ University of Yaounde II Cameroun
Ÿ Jimma University Ethiopia
Ÿ Université Cheik Anta Diop, Dakar
Ÿ Université de Abomey Calavi Benin
Ÿ Université de Mohammed V ENSIAS
Ÿ Cape town University , South Africa
Ÿ University of Professional Studies, Accra


  • Scholarships cover visa and airfare costs,
    registration and tuition, comprehensive
    insurance and a monthly stipend of €600
    for Masters students, €900 for doctoral
    students and €1000 for staff mobility.
    For more information and to start your
    application visit:
    and read the application guidelines
    carefully before Filling out the online
    Application Form. Please note that there
    may be other internally defined criteria by
    each partner institution of the Project. It is,
    therefore strongly recommended that the
    applicants liaise with the contact person of
    their institution before preparing their
    application, in order to obtain information
    about the specific eligibility criteria
    established either in their home institution
    (if applicable) or in the host institution
    which they intend to apply to. For further
    i n f o r m a t i o n p l e a s e c o n t a c t :
    DEADLINE: April 15, 2016
    The University of Professional Studies Accra (UPSA) and the
    ERMIT Project present a call for applications