How Much Does Laser Treatment Cost In Ghana

(LAY-zer THAYR-uh-pee) Treatment that uses intense, narrow beams of light to cut and destroy tissue, such as cancer tissue.Lasers are great tools that can help improve various problems of the skin, such as acne scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, and even tattoos and loose skin.

How Much Does Laser Treatment Cost In Ghana

The average cost of laser skin resurfacing is for GHS18980.68 ablative and GHS10931.48 for non-ablative, according to statistics from the Ghana Society of Plastic Surgeons. This average cost is only part of the total price – it does not include other related expenses.

What Are The Side Effects Of Laser Treatment?


  • Redness, swelling, itching and pain. Treated skin may swell, itch or have a burning sensation.
  • Acne. Applying thick creams and bandages to your face after treatment can worsen acne or cause you to temporarily develop tiny white bumps (milia) on treated skin.
  • Infection.
  • Changes in skin color.
  • Scarring.

Why Do You Need Laser Treatment?

They promote collagen remodeling, making them popular options for treating fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity, and age spots. Pulsed-Dye Lasers are typically non-ablative lasers that heat the skin and absorb pigments to reduce redness, hyperpigmentation, broken capillaries, and rosacea.

When Should I Use Laser Treatment?

  1. shrink or destroy tumors, polyps, or precancerous growths.
  2. relieve symptoms of cancer.
  3. remove kidney stones.
  4. remove part of the prostate.
  5. repair a detached retina.
  6. improve vision.
  7. treat hair loss resulting from alopecia or aging.
  8. treat pain, including back nerve pain.

Is Laser Surgery Painful?

However, it is important to be aware that some mild discomfort including soreness and a scratchy feeling is to be expected after your LASIK or PRK laser eye surgery. The cornea will then be given time to heal naturally. You may feel some discomfort in the early stages of healing but this will quickly subside.

Is Laser Treatment Permanent?

When performed correctly, laser treatment can be considered as being a more permanent hair removal option only in comparison to the traditional methods of removing hair such as waxing, shaving and using epilators. The treatment is visibly most effective for people with darker and thicker hair.

Can Laser Treatment Affect Fertility?

Conclusion: Cervical laser surgery does not appear to impair a woman’s ability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term. There is no difference in the effect on fertility between laser vaporization and laser excisional cone biopsies.

What Should I Do After Laser Treatment?

The immediate post laser treatment consists of covering the lasered skin with Vaseline (Aquaphor or whatever the specific product you are instructed to use) and using cold packs for discomfort and swelling. The best treatment to be comfortable is to apply cold compresses to the treated areas of the face.

How Many Laser Sessions Are Needed?

Generally, people need between six and eight sessions to remove the hair fully. That’s because our hair goes through different growth phases. The bodily location where you want the hair removed also factors in. Our expert team will assess your specific situation and give you a timeline of what you can expect.

Is Laser Treatment Good For Skin?

By stimulating collagen formation deep in the dermis/epidermis, lasers can be a useful tool to improve the appearance of deep set wrinkles, fine lines, enlarged pores, and severe acne scars.