

The Acquisitions Department acquires the relevant library materials namely books, journals, manuscripts, maps etc. all in print format to support the academic work of the university. Acquisition of materials and the management of the library’s collections are guided by and prioritized according to current and known future teaching and research interests that have been specified by the Colleges, Faculties, Departments and Centres in their Strategic Plans and supported by the university’s mission statement and overall development priorities.

The Acquisitions department thus works actively and closely with the colleges and Research centres to ensure that their current and future interest areas are known and taken into account. It invites colleges to submit recommended lists for consideration, selection and acquisition. It also decides which materials should be acquired, the number of copies to be purchased and the most suitable method of delivery.

Materials selected for acquisition are obtained through local and foreign purchases, gifts/donations, exchanges, graduate theses/dissertations and bound journals. In line with the Book and Newspaper Registration Act of 1963, (Act 193), some local publishers namely Ghana Universities Press, SEDCO, Woeli Publishers etc. and individual institutions and organizations such as the Government Ministries, Bank of Ghana, Centre for Democratic Development (CDD) and Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) send copies of their works to the library in compliance with legal deposit law.

Currently, donations constitute the largest proportion of materials acquired by the library. Majority of them come from the Ghana Book Trust, Book Aid International, CODESRIA and United Nations and its specialized agencies like the WHO, FAO, and UNESCO.

The Department publicizes the library’s collections by making the lists of Recent Additions of the Library’s stock available online to the Faculty periodically