tamer job

Who is a tamer and what do they do? The tamer tames wild animals: for example, lions, tigers, elephants etc. S/he aims at holding shows with wild animals in a circus. Apart from the circus, s/he can work in zoos.

What are the activities of the tamer job? Training animals; preparing stunts with animals; caring for, and feeding animals and keeping their cages clean; taming wild animals with the use of various methods, for example by positive or negative reinforcement etc.

Where is it done and under what conditions? In circuses or zoos. Working with a circus naturally involves a great deal of travelling, and living on the road.

What tools/equipment do they use? Whips, hoops, various kinds of feedstuff, balls, cleaning materials, etc. The tamer uses all of them in order to tame an animal, to feed and clean it and to hold a show.

What do you need to succeed? It is important for a tamer to love animals and to be well-informed about their way of life. S/he should have patience, persistence, good communication skills with animals and be physically fit.