on-line customer services operator job

Who is an on-line customer services operator and what do they do? A worker in on-line services provides services related to the use of Internet. Since the Internet enables interpersonal communication, it is widely used by business companies.

What are the activities of the on-line customer services operator job? Answers the questions of prospective buyers about the goods and services on offer, provides various information and consulting services concerning the use of the products and services, and processes orders. He/she works by means of e-mail messages or directly through Internet devices programmed for on-line communication.

Where is it done and under what conditions? In offices where the working environment is fairly comfortable.

What tools/equipment do on-line customer services operator use? Computers.

What do you need to succeed? You need at least secondary education, knowledge of the products and services offered, ability to communicate with people, to understand their requirements and to be able to respond to them adequately and promptly.