PhD Wildlife and Range Management At KNUST

Wildlife traditionally refers to undomesticated animal species, but has come to include all organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans. Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. 

Range management is a professional field whose aim is to ensure a sustained yield of range land products while protecting and improving the basic range resources of soil, water, and plant and animal life. Besides producing forage for domestic and wild animals, a range can provide.

PhD Wildlife and Range Management Degree.

PhD Programmes (Full-Time) are of Four (4) Calendar Years and (PartTime) are of Five (5) Calendar Years duration.

PhD Wildlife and Range Management At KNUST Entry Requirement.

The PhD applicant must hold a Master’s Degree in Wildlife and Range
Management, Forestry, Natural Resources Management and other
related disciplines. Candidates must also attend and pass an interview session with a panel from the Department before being granted admission.