How To Become An Influencer In Ghana

An influencer is someone who has: the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of his or her authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with his or her audience.

Below is How To Become An Influencer In Ghana

How do I become a paid influencer?

Find your niche.

Before you start, it is important to ask yourself what industry you are most interested in. Find something that you are passionate about and enjoy doing in your free time.

Whether its makeup, fashion, cooking, or something else, this step will help you identify the audience you’re trying to reach. From there, you can begin building your brand.

Start a YouTube channel.

Now that you know your niche, you’ll need to reach your target audience. Out of all the social platforms, YouTube is considered by many to be the best for establishing an online presence and building your reach.

Many top influencers — like Jackie Aina, Nikita Dragun, and Jaclyn Hill — all started their careers by engaging audiences on YouTube. YouTube is also great for giving your audience an idea of who you are and measuring how much they enjoy your content.

 Draw the attention of your target audience (in a positive way).

Now for the fun part! This is your chance to get creative. Create interesting videos for your audience that are helpful and attention-grabbing. Try thinking outside of the box to come up with an original idea that others aren’t already covering.

For example, “Eating at the Worst Reviewed Restaurant,” “Blindfolded Makeup Challenge,” “Boyfriend Rates My Outfits” were all creative ideas that YouTubers came up with to entertain their audience without involving clickbait.

Creative ideas that other people can relate to are the most likely to earn you subscribers, comments, and shares. Make sure to engage with viewers by responding to their comments and try asking what videos they would like to see next.

Use your YouTube channel as a starting point to gain followers on other social media networks.

Make sure to mention your social media handles in your videos, making it easier for newly acquired fans to find you on other popular platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Once your traffic is spread out and you’ve gained a significant multi-platform following, you’ll be able to start marketing yourself to potential advertisers.

Network with other influencers and content creators.

Work with other influencers and content creators to increase your visibility online. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people locally and over social media.

Not only will you be able to learn from their failures and successes, but being associated with influencers who have larger followings than you do can help you gain your own followers and subscribers more quickly. Partner with them to come up with creative ideas that might bring more traffic to both of your channels.

Engage your audience regularly with a steady flow of original content.

Once you have traffic on all of your social media platforms, it’s important to keep your audience engaged. You’ll need to keep coming up with original, entertaining ideas that work on all platforms on a regular basis in order to keep your audience tuned in.

How often should you post on each platform if you want to become a social media influencer?

Guidelines vary by sources and per platform, but Louise Myers of Visual Social Media offers the following suggestions:

Facebook: One post per day is optimal (although no more than two times per day max), with a minimum of three posts per week suggested.

Twitter: Between 3-30 tweets per day (15-23 optimal), spread throughout the day.

Pinterest: Three pins per day minimum, but no more than 30 pins per day maximum (10-15 optimal).

Instagram: One post per week minimum, three per day maximum (1-2 per day optimal).

YouTube: Weekly.

TikTok: Myers doesn’t address TikTok, but other experts generally recommend three posts per day.

Remember, you’re competing with millions of people all over the world, so try not to take hiatuses or repeat content you’ve done before.

Begin reaching out to brands to let them know about your platform.

Many online businesses nowadays are looking for people with strong online presences to advertise for them. Brand sponsorship and advertising play a huge role in social media influencing. Reach out to brands via email or in-person to let them know you are interested in working with them.

Most companies pay per post and, as mentioned above, what you can expect to be offered will vary depending on factors, such as your follower count, engagement rate, and which platforms you’re most active on.

A report from internet marketing agency WebFX further breaks down how much influencers can charge per post by social media platform:

Monitor social media.

Engage with followers.

Curate other content

Keep a positive online presence.

Now for the most important step. Seriously. If there’s anything in the article you need to take with you, let it be this. Please make sure that you maintain an authentically positive image at all times. It is important that your followers trust you and see you as a positive public figure.

In recent years, we’ve seen increasing numbers of influencers caught up in scandals, making offensive statements or worse. It may seem like water under the bridge once the stories blow over, but many influencers have lost huge deals and opportunities due to their resulting negative public images.

Remember, as the face of many businesses, your brand is their brand.

Launch your own website.

Creating your own website is an important way to gain credibility and bring traffic to your brand. Use your site to tell your story and attract both businesses and consumers.

A website will give you a professional look as an established influencer as companies begin researching you before contacting you directly.

If you make it big enough, you can even sell merchandise to loyal fans and subscribers.

Consider contacting a management agency to represent you.

Once you have a large enough following, you might want to consider contacting a reputable influencer management agency. There, they can help you negotiate deals with brands, get in touch with other businesses, and even set you up with a PR team.

This step will give you more time to focus on making industry connections. By taking the right steps, you could even land a partnership with a huge company someday.

What education do you need to be an influencer?

A bachelor’s degree in a related field is required is for most advertising, promotions, and marketing management positions.

Degree programs focus on public relations, business, and communications.

Is it hard to become an influencer?

Being an influencer is not for everyone. It’s much more difficult than it looks to be an influencer, and it takes a lot of time.

When you’re an influencer, it isn’t like a 9 to 5 job. You are always the influencer, and, therefore, you are always your brand.

What are the types of influencers?

It took the mass adoption of social media for today’s three influencer personas to evolve: 


