Coleman Ice Chest Prices In Ghana

What Is Coleman Ice Chest?

Coleman Ice Chest Is a chilled box for keeping something cold, especially food.

A cooler, portable ice chest, ice box, cool box, chilly bin, or esky is an insulated box used to keep food or drink cool. Ice cubes are most commonly placed in it to help the contents inside stay cool. 

What Is The Purpose Of An Ice Chest?

A cooler box is a compact non-mechanical wrapped box used to store food and drinks. Ice packs or ice cubes are commonly placed in the box to keep the contents cool. Ice packs are usually preferred over ice cubes as they tend to stay cool longer than plain ice.

What Is Coleman Ice Chest Used For?

Is an insulated, boxlike container that can be filled with ice and used to cool beverages, preserve food, etc.

What Is Coleman Ice Chest Made Of?

All metal components on this cooler are made from premium stainless steel. This prevents the screws and hinges from rusting or eroding over time in salt-water environments.

How Does Coleman Ice Chest Work?

The insulation, which is usually made from foam or plastic, lines the inside of your cooler, slowing down the circulation of warm air. The ice, meanwhile, keeps the inside of your cooler nice and chilly. The insulation inside the cooler slows down the warm air through a process called convection.

How Long Will Cool Box Stay Cold?

For food storage, get block ice when you can block ice will last 5 to 7 days in a well-insulated ice box even in 90-plus-degree weather (and longer if it’s cooler). Cube ice will only last one to two days.

How Long Does Food Last In Cooler?

An appliance thermometer takes the guesswork out of knowing your food is safe to eat. Put one in your cooler, and make sure it reads 40 °F or below. When the temperature outside is above 90 °F, put perishable food back in the cooler within 1 hour after eating. Otherwise, cool it within 2 hours.

Are Food Stored In Ice Chest Safe?

As a general rule: Food storage containers sold at restaurant supply stores are made of food grade HDPE, PP, or polycarbonate. The interior of coolers are made of food grade HDPE. Any white, opaque plastic bucket that contains food for human consumption is made of food grade HDPE.

How Long Do Ice Chests Last?

While dry ice stored in these coolers can last up to 18-24 hours, water ice ideally retains 12-24 hours. Smaller styrofoam coolers cannot hold much ice and have low insulating capabilities. However, larger models can store more ice and make it last beyond a day, especially if you keep it under a shade.

How Do You Keep Things Cold For Long?

Tips How To Keep A Cooler Cold For Longer

  • Fill with cold or chilled contents whenever possible
  • How to Keep A Cooler Cold Pack Items Densely.
  • Keep the ice chest closed.
  • Insulate the cooler exterior.
  • Run with multiple coolers like a pro.
  • Use ice, ice packs, frozen jugs, or try dry ice to keep items cold.

Benefits of Ice Chests:

  • Requires absolutely no energy points to function  
  • It operates with no electricity;  
  • Commercial quality E.V.A seal to guarantee very good insulating material and even outstanding sealing attributes together with the latches made from high-quality stainless steel;  
  • Sturdy manages molded in the icebox for ease in holding and transportation;  
  • Secure padlock locking function for protection and also kid safety; The gentle color reflects heat and sunshine, keeping items properly chilled;  
  • Boxes are appropriate to be used with dry ice packs for optimum ice retention;  
  • Excellent Polyethylene shields cardboard boxes from the suns effective UV rays;  
  • The Insulation is devoid of CFC’s, making the cardboard boxes eco-friendly; easily, robust, and Lightweight transportable.

Coleman Ice Chest Prices In Ghana:

Coleman 50 Quarts GH₵ 600
Coleman Chest Cooler GH₵ 580
Coleman Storing GH₵ 900
150qts Coleman Ice Chest GH₵ 1,300