Master of Business Administration (MIS) UGBS

Master of Business Administration (MIS) UGBS

This a rigorous 2-year programme which equips participants with the know-how in aligning information and communication technology tools with business processes to solve contemporary challenges. Courses taught include Systems Analysis and Design, Electronic Business, Management Informatics, Decision Analysis, Contemporary Application Development, Database Systems, and Legal and Social Implications of Informatics among others. In the second year, in addition to courses in Management Information Systems and other areas, students also write a two-semester long essay under supervision. The MBA programme is also available during the weekend for busy workers who cannot enrol for the regular MBA programme. It is structured the same way as the regular MBA programme however lectures are on Fridays from 6:00pm – 9:00pm and Saturdays from 7:30am – 8:30pm.

Admission Requirements
The requirement is a good first degree (at least a Second Class Lower) from a recognised university with at least three (3) years relevant work experience. There is one admission in August every year. An entrance examination or interview may be conducted.