Master of Arts in Human Resource Management Colleges and Universities in Ghana

Masters in Human Resource Management (HRM) is a highly sought-after programme. It has evolved from being a course about recruitment, retention, pay and incentive setting, to a more rounded study of structured people management and human resource development.

Colleges and Universities Offering Master of Arts in Human Resource Management in Ghana are:

Central University

Entry Requirements

An applicant seeking admission to an MBA degree programme must: 

a. Have obtained a good first degree (at least a Second Class Lower) or its equivalent in an appropriate field of study from a recognised University.

b. Satisfy any additional requirements prescribed by the faculties/departments.

These may include relevant work experience, a written entrance examination and an interview.

c. An applicant who possesses a first degree in the Third Class Division or a Pass and who has at least three years’ work experience may also be considered for admission into the Taught Master’s degree Programme

. Such applicants may be required to take preparatory courses and pass written examinations and an interview before being considered for admission.

What can I do with a master’s in human resource management?

Compensation and Benefits Manager. …

Labor Relations Specialist. …

Employee Recruitment and Staffing Specialist. …

Training and Development Specialist. …

Human Resource Manager.