University of Ghana UG reopening date

Proposal for Re-Opening the University of Ghana 2020/2021 Academic Year

The Business and Executive Committee at its meeting held on 10th September, 2020, approved the proposal for re-opening the University of Ghana for 2020/2021 Academic Year.


University of Ghana UG reopening date

For the reopening date of the University of Ghana,contact the school on the address below:

Postal Address – P. O. Box LG 25, Legon, Ghana
Fax – 233-21-500383/502701
Telephone – (233-21) 500381/500194/502255/502257/
E-mail –
Overseas Address – The Overseas Representative
Universities of Ghana Office
321 City Road, London, ECIV ILJ, England
Tel: 44 (0) 207-2787-413
Fax: 44 (0) 2077-135-776

when is university of ghana reopening 2020/2021

university of ghana academic calendar 2020/2021

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