Orthopedic Mattress Prices In Ghana

What Is Orthopedic Mattress?

An Orthopedic Mattress is a type of mattress that offers support to the joints. Orthopedic mattresses are typically recommended for people who sleep with pain, people who are in active recovery from injury, seniors, and athletes or other people who are active.

The term “orthopedic mattress” was coined in the 1950s, after studies of how the joints and bones work suggested that specially-designed mattresses could prevent morning back pain.

The first orthopedic mattresses on the market were, indeed, designed following orthopedic principles to be therapeutic for bad backs. However, after mattress manufacturers noticed that these mattresses were selling well, they started calling all mattresses “orthopedic.” After all, there are no government regulations or standards in place to prove that one mattress is better than any other.

What Is Special About Orthopedic Mattress?

An orthopaedic mattress evenly spreads your body weight to prevent the build-up of pressure points, particularly in your neck, back and hips. Orthopaedic mattresses ensure correct spinal alignment to help alleviate stress on the spine and reduce back pain.

Is It Good To Use Orthopedic Mattress?

A firm surface offers optimum push-back for the perfect sleeping posture. An orthopedic mattress distributes body weight evenly and prevents the development of pressure points, especially around the back, hips, and neck. It also sustains proper placement of the spinal cord to ease the tension on the spine.

How Long Does An Orthopedic Mattress Last?

Orthopedic mattresses are designed with high-quality materials, so they are generally pretty durable and last at least 7-10 years.

Pros Of Orthopedic Mattresses:

  • They provide great support and spine alignment
  • They keep you comfortable
  • They’re pressure relieving so you won’t have pain build ups in pressure points

Orthopedic Mattress Prices In Ghana:

KING (GHS)2,060
QUEEN (GHS)1,770
LARGE (GHS)1,325