Fire Extinguisher Prices In Ghana

What Is Fire Extinguisher?

Fire Extinguisher Is a portable device that discharges a jet of water, foam, gas, or other material to extinguish a fire.

What Is In Fire Extinguisher?

The extinguishing agent can be comprised of, but is not limited to, solutions of water and potassium acetate, potassium carbonate, potassium citrate, or a combination of these chemicals (which are conductors of electricity). The liquid agent typically has a pH of 9.0 or less.

How Do You Use Fire extinguisher?

Once you’ve made your purchases, familiarize yourself with the fire extinguisher directions so you’ll be prepared in case you need to put out a fire. Typically, fire extinguishers are fairly easy to use in the case of a fire. Most fire extinguishers operate using the P.A.S.S. technique:

  • P. Pull the pin on the fire extinguisher in order to break the tamper seal.
  • A. Aim the fire extinguisher low, with the nozzle pointed at the base of the fire.
  • S. Squeeze the handle of the fire extinguisher to release the extinguishing agent.
  • S. Sweep the nozzle from side to side while pointed at the base of the fire until it is extinguished.

While the PASS method works on most fire extinguishers you’ll encounter, cartridge-operated fire extinguishers like the kind found in some industrial settings require an extra step. In these units, an external pressure cartridge must be activated first

Fire Extinguisher & Safety Tips:

Not only is it smart to keep fire extinguishers in your home, it’s also required by law in many states.

It’s important to make sure you have the right types of fire extinguishers on hand to put out common household fires. Learn about fire extinguishers, how to operate them, and other important safety tips below. And don’t forget to make sure you have the right insurance coverage if your home sustains fire damage.

Getting Started With Fire Extinguishers:

The first thing to do when choosing a fire extinguisher is to decide which rooms in your house need one. You should keep at least one on each level of your house. Make sure you keep fire extinguishers handy where fires are more likely to start, like in the kitchen and garage.

Understanding Fire Extinguisher Types And Classes:

There are four classes of fire extinguishers A, B, C and D and each class can put out a different type of fire.

  • Class A extinguishers will put out fires in ordinary combustibles including wood, cloth, rubber, paper, as well as many plastic materials.
  • Class B extinguishers are for use on flammable liquids like grease, gasoline, solvents, lacquers, alcohols, oils and other similar substances.
  • Class C extinguishers are suitable for use only on electrically energized equipment fires.
  • Class D extinguishers are designed for use on flammable metallic substances like potassium and sodium.

Multipurpose extinguishers can be used on different types of fires and will be labeled with more than one class, for example A-B, B-C or A-B-C. You can find the class label of most fire extinguishers in a pictograph on the side of the extinguisher.

Fire Extinguisher Safety Tips:

You don’t need to be a trained firefighter to operate a fire extinguisher, but that doesn’t mean you should tackle any fire with reckless abandon! If you are not certain you can put out the fire and that you have a clear path to escape, then you should safely exit the building and wait for your fire department to handle the situation. Proper maintenance is also important in order to ensure your extinguisher works when needed. Check your unit annually for adequate pressure levels and ensure that it is clean and undamaged.

What Is The Importance Of Extinguisher?

Fire extinguishers can be a small but important part of the home fire safety plan. They can save lives and property by putting out a small fire or suppressing it until the fire department arrives.

Advantages Of Extinguisher:

  • Easy to handle.
  • Can control or eradicate the fire early.
  • The liquids used are not harmful.
  • Can control or remove class A, B and C fires effectively
  • The removal is more effective than fire extinguisher, foam or co2
  • Production (fountain) can be controlled by operating lever.

Fire Extinguisher Prices In Ghana:

The prices of fire extinguishers differ depending on where you buy them from and the type of expellant in them and the costs of fire extinguishers range from GHS 70.00 to GHS 250.00 on the Ghanaian market.