Window Air Conditioner Prices In Ghana

What Is Window Air Conditioner?

Window AC units are a small type of air conditioner that can be placed in the frame of a window. The unit works by drawing hot air out of a room and blowing cold air in. The part of the unit that releases hot air sits outside your home, while the fan is on the inside.

How Does A Window AC Work?

A window AC unit uses the same principles as any other type of air conditioning system. It uses refrigeration properties to remove heat and humidity from a room while cooling air to circulate into the room. The basic components include a thermostat, a fan or blower, tubing filled with refrigerant, a compressor, an evaporator coil and a condenser coil.

As the temperature in the room rises, it triggers the thermostat in the AC unit, which turns on the blower. Room air is pulled into the unit and moves over the cold refrigerant coils. The air is cooled as it passes over the cold coils and is pushed out into the room, cooling it and bringing down the temperature.

How Do You Choose Window AC For Your Home?

The primary consideration when choosing a window AC unit is size. If it’s too small, it will have to work overtime to cool the room and you’ll still have a room that doesn’t quite feel cool enough. If it’s too big, it will cool the room too quickly without removing the humidity properly and you will have a cool room that still feels sticky.

Take a look at the square footage of the room you want to cool using a window unit. Generally speaking, a window AC needs 20 BTU (British Thermal Units, a measurement of cooling capacity) to cool one square foot of space. Multiply the length of the room by the width and then multiply that number by 20. That should give you the BTUs you need to cool that space. Be careful when you choose what window to put the unit in. There are other factors such as window size, location within the room and exposure to the elements that can impact its effectiveness.

Do Window AC Waste A Lot Of Electricity?

Well, compared to central units, they do not. A window AC unit uses less than ⅓ of the amount of energy it would take to run a central unit for the same amount of time.

Why Use Window Air Conditioner?

Especially compared to a central AC unit, window units don’t use very much electricity. A window AC requires on average 500 to 1,440 watts to run, while a central unit uses upwards of 3,500 watts. If you only need to cool a small space, window ACs are much more cost effective than central AC units

Is Window AC Safe?

Perhaps the biggest risk associated with window air conditioner units is fire. In fact, it has been proven that room AC units have a higher fire risk than central AC systems. In fact, a window unit is thought to be 1.8 times more likely to cause a fire than a traditional unit.

Importance Of Window AC?

In addition to their low up-front cost, window AC units can help you save even more money thanks to their great energy efficiency. Window air conditioner units are known for their great EER or energy efficiency ratio. This means they do a better job of keeping a room cool using less energy.

What Are The Advantages Of Window Air Conditioner?

  • Low Cost.
  • Extremely Energy Efficient.
  • Easy to Install.
  • Doesn’t Take Up Floor Space.
  • Great for Supplemental Cooling.
  • Multi-Functional For Year-Round Use.
  • Portable-ish.
  • Can Be Used in Many Places.

Window Air Conditioner Prices In Ghana:

The prices of Window AC is sold for an average amount of GH¢ 2,800.00 – GH¢ 9,200.00 depending type (horsepower) & brand of AC you might be purchasing…!!!