About Peki College of Education

About Peki College of Education

Peki College of Education formerly known as Peki Training college was originally founded and established as Government Training College in the old Christian town of Peki Avetile on the 12th of February, 1954 with Mr A.F Neal as her first Principal. This explains why the College has retained the acronym GOVCO (short for Government College) till this day. The College was started with thirty men who were admitted to do the 2 Year Certificate ‘A’ Post ‘B’ Course. The institution remained a male only College until 1961 when it was co-educational with the admission of her first batch of twenty-five women. Govco produced her first crop of teachers in 1956, The motto of the college is NIHIL SINNE LABORE. In 1965, the college was moved to its present site overlooking the beautiful ‘Wheto’ (mountain) The College runs the new Diploma in Basic Education.