How to Prepare doughnut in Ghana

How are donuts made step by step?

Step 1: Cream the butter and sugar.

Start by beating the butter and 1 cup of the sugar in a large bowl until the mixture is thick and pale colored, about 5 minutes.

Step 2: Bring the dough together and let it rest.

Step 3: Cut the doughnuts.

Step 4: Fry ’em up.

Step 5: Roll the doughnuts in cinnamon and sugar.

What equipment is needed to make donuts?



Baking Powder and Baking Soda.


Butter, Oil, and Other Fats.

Kitchen Scale.

Stand Mixer with Paddle Attachment and Dough Hook.

Pastry Bag and 1/2-inch Circular Tip.

How much money do I need to open a donut shop?

The cost of opening your own donut shop can vary depending on many factors, fees, and expenses.

In general, it’s reported that an initial investment in a donut shop can range from $10,000 to $15,000.

However, this number only accounts for equipment, supplies, and initial rent.

Why do donuts have holes?

Gregory suggested punching a hole in the middle of the fried cakes so that the insides of the cakes would cook as evenly as the outsides.

Experts believe that this reason makes sense, because of the way that donuts are cooked.

Some people believe that the holes in donuts allowed them to be sold in a similar way.