Yellow Fever Prices In Ghana

What Is Yellow Fever?

Yellow fever Is a serious, potentially deadly flu-like disease spread by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which also transmit dengue and Zika viruses. It’s characterized by a high fever and jaundice. Jaundice is yellowing of the skin and eyes, which is why this disease is called yellow fever.

This disease is most prevalent in certain parts of Africa and South America. It isn’t curable, but you can prevent it with the yellow fever vaccine.

A viral infection spread by a particular species of mosquito. Yellow fever is spread by a species of mosquito common to areas of Africa and South America. Vaccination is recommended before travelling to certain areas.

Mild cases cause fever, headache, nausea and vomiting. Serious cases may cause fatal heart, liver and kidney conditions. No specific treatment for the disease exists. Efforts focus on managing symptoms and limiting complications.

What Causes Yellow Fever?

Yellow fever virus (or flavivirus) causes yellow fever, and it’s transmitted when an infected mosquito bites you. Mosquitoes become infected with the virus when they bite a human or monkey with the virus. The disease can’t be spread from one person to another.

Mosquitoes breed in tropical rainforests, humid, and semi-humid environments, as well as around bodies of still water.

Increased contact between humans and infected mosquitoes, particularly in areas where people haven’t been vaccinated for yellow fever, can create small-scale epidemics.

What Happens When A Person Gets Yellow Fever?

People who do get sick will start having symptoms (e.g., fever, chills, headache, backache, and muscle aches) 3–6 days after they are infected. About 12% of people who have symptoms go on to develop serious illness: jaundice, bleeding, shock, organ failure, and sometimes death.

How Is Yellow Fever Treated?

There’s no cure for yellow fever. Treatment involves managing symptoms and assisting your immune system in fighting off the infection by:

  • getting enough fluids, possibly through your veins
  • getting oxygen
  • maintaining a healthy blood pressure
  • getting blood transfusions
  • having dialysis if you experience kidney failure
  • getting treatment for other infections that may develop

Can Yellow Fever Be Cured?

There’s no cure for yellow fever, but the symptoms can be treated while your body fights off the infection. Most people make a full recovery after 3 or 4 days. However, up to half of those who have the more serious symptoms of yellow fever will die.

Which Part Of Body Does Yellow Fever Damage?

Yellow Fever is a viral infection that causes damage to the liver, kidney, heart and gastrointestinal tract. Major symptoms may include sudden onset of fever, yellowing of the skin (jaundice) and hemorrhage.

How Do You Prevent Yellow Fever?

If you’ll be spending time in any area known to have yellow fever, get the vaccine about three to four weeks before going on your trip. For most people, a single dose provides lifelong protection. Other tips include:

  • Use a mosquito repellent with DEET.
  • Wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts and socks. It’s best if you wear clothing that’s treated to repel mosquitoes.
  • Consider using a bed net if the lodging doesn’t have air conditioning or screens on the windows.
  • Avoid being outside during times when mosquitoes are active. In most cases, this means dusk to dawn, but one of the mosquitoes that spread yellow fever feeds during the daytime.
  • If you’ve been diagnosed with yellow fever, continue to cover up. You don’t want a mosquito to bite you and then bite someone else.

Yellow Fever Prices In Ghana:

The average price for Yellow fever in Ghana is between an amount of GHS 245.90 or above…!!!