sewing machinist job

Who is a sewing machinist and what do they do? The sewing machinist does less complicated sewing in industrial and individual production or repair of suits, dresses, underwear, hats, technical textile or sportswear. They stitch garment pieces together by guiding the pieces of cloth through the machine.

What are the activities of the sewing machinist job? Removing auxiliary stitches – fixing (threading) ties – edging, stitching and quilting parts – ironing seams to flatten them down – sewing individual parts together – doing small embroideries – hemming parts – sewing on zip fasteners – ironing and flattening heels, ledges, cuffs, surface pockets, fasteners (clips) etc. – checking for defects in material or workmanship – mending faulty work – service and basic maintenance of machines and equipment used.

Where is it done and under what conditions? The profession is carried out in factories, where the environment can be noisy.

What tools/equipment do they sewing machinist use? Sewing machines, or hemming machines, button fixing machines, flat irons, scissors, dress patterns and their own hands.

What do you need to succeed?
You need vocational training or on the job training, manual skill, patience, cleanliness, precision and good eyesight.