How Much Does Fat Transfer Cost In Ghana

Fat grafting, also referred to as fat transfer or fat injections, is the surgical process by which fat is transferred from one area of the body to another area.

How Much Does Fat Transfer Cost In Ghana

Fat Transfer Surgical in AccraAverage Cost (GHS)
Breast Fat Grafting15113.57
Breast Reduction14173.10
Breast Implant20675.54

Should You Lose Weight Before Fat Transfer?

Don’t Lose Weight

Losing a significant amount of weight can cause you to lose fat in the transferred area. Patients should be near their ideal weight before their fat transfer procedure. Liposuction will provide you with the body contouring results you desire.

Should I Gain Weight Before Fat Transfer?

This is normal, and for some patients an extra 5lbs or so may make the difference in having sufficient fat to perform a transfer. However, under no circumstances should a patient gain weight solely for the purpose of having a fat transfer done, as this can increase the risk of reaching an unhealthy weight.

How Do You Maintain Fat Transfer?

  1. Wear Compression Garments.
  2. After Fat Transfer Surgery, Feed the Fat!
  3. Get to Sleeping the Right Way.
  4. Don’t Go Driving.
  5. Sit on Your Thighs.
  6. Absolutely No Smoking.
  7. Start Exercising (At the Right Time)
  8. Platelet Rich Plasma.

How Long Does Fat Transfer Take?

How long will the procedure take? Because fat transfer is such a versatile procedure that can treat a number of different areas, surgical times vary. Procedures involving only small areas may take as little as an hour, while larger transfer procedures (such as buttock augmentation) can take up to 4 hours or more.

How Much Fat Is It Needed For A Fat Transfer To The Butt?

Generally speaking, a plastic surgeon will need to harvest at least 1000 cc of fat (500 ccs of fat per buttock) for a fat transfer to buttock butt lift surgery. However, most patients receive around 800 ccs of fat per buttock.

What Happens If You Gain Weight After Fat Transfer?

If you gain weight after your surgery, you’ll find that the transferred fat cells respond accordingly. The size of your buttocks will increase as you gain weight, but so will other parts of your body. If your weight gain is gradual, there will be no undue change to the overall shape and structure of your buttocks.

How Long Does It Take For Fat To Settle After Fat Transfer?

The breasts will have settled into their final shape in 6 months. It can take up to 6 months for a surgical fat transfer to fully take effect, as some of the injected fat may be reabsorbed by the body during the first few months after the procedure.