Neurosurgery Korle Bu Teaching Hospital

Neurosurgery Korle Bu Teaching Hospital

Our mission at the Lenox Hill Hospital neurosurgery department is to be committed to excellence, compassionate care and improving the health of our patients by utilizing the latest in cutting-edge technologies.

We are a multi-disciplinary team, focusing on minimally-invasive surgical treatments of:

Vascular diseases (including aneurysms, vascular malformations and stroke)
Skull base and brain tumors
Complex spinal disorders
Restorative and geriatric disorders (Hydrocephalus)

By working in collaboration with the New York Head & Neck Institute, our surgeons combine their unique skills and expertise to treat rare and complex conditions. The department is led by Dr. David J. Langer, an expert in cranial bypass surgery and the first surgeon in the country to perform new type of intracranial bypass surgery.

We focus our efforts on ensuring that care comes first and that the patient is fully informed during every step of the process. Along with benefitting from the application of 3D imaging and computer-assisted technologies for surgery, our patients also receive improved care from our use of technology to improve communication between physicians and patients. Our surgeons routinely perform virtual office visits, which includes the physician creating a podcast, which is emailed to the patient so they have a copy of all information explained in the office prior to a procedure. To help the patient understand their individual treatment plan, we create a video of instructions for each patient. An example can be found here.

When a patient is treated by the neurosurgery department, they become part of our family. We have gathered a skilled team of physician assistants, nurse practitioners and radiology technicians who work alongside the surgeons to ensure that the patient’s comfort and care comes first in outpatient settings, inpatients settings and in the operating room. Our team members work collaboratively in all aspects of each case, including utilizing screen share technology to review imaging and communicate with one another in real-time.