KJV Prices In Ghana

What Is KJV?

The King James Bible wasn’t the first Bible to be written in English, but it is the one which has had the most impact. For over 400 years the King James Version Bible (KJV) gave English-speaking Christians the opportunity to hear the Bible in their own words.
Known also as the Authorised Version of the Bible, the KJV is a translation of the Bible that was commissioned by King James I in response to issues the Puritans had with earlier versions. It also had to conform to the beliefs of the Church of England at the time. The creation of the KJV Bible took seven years, and six panels of translators which consisted of 47 men in total.

Celebrated for both it’s accuracy and literary excellence, it is now seen by many as an exemplary text of English Literary merit of the time. So much so that is rivals the works of John Milton and William Shakespeare. It also takes pride of place for many as the translation of the Bible which best adheres to the message at the heart of the text itself. 

How Easy Is The KJV To Read?

The KJV Bible text scores at a 12th Grade Reading Level. This means that readers from the ages of 17 and up should be able to confidently read the majority of the KJV text and roughly understand what it means.

What determines this level is the total number of unique words and sentences, as well as sentence length and the length of the words themselves. Other grammatical features also carry weight in the score. The reading level doesn’t take into account any understanding of history and context. Just the words and grammar of the text.

How Was KJV Translated?

As few English language Bibles existed at the time, the King James Bible did not have a wealth of contemporary sources from which to draw. Not at all like today, where the number of available translations could fill a small library. Amongst those available in the 17th century were the Great Bible, the Geneva Bible, and the Bishop’s Bible. The latter of the three served as the primary influence for the KJV as it was produced under the Church of England a little over 50 years prior. All passages in the Bishop’s Bible deemed problematic at the time were changed, but names of places and people remained unaltered.

The translation also heavily drew from original Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew texts. These included the Hebrew Masoretic Text (the closeness to which set the KJV apart from other Bibles at the time) and Beza’s Greek New Testament.

What Is Special About KJV Bible?

Not only that, but the language they read in the King James Bible was an English unlike anything they had read before. With its poetic cadences and vivid imagery, the KJV sounded to many like the voice of God himself.

Why Do Christians Use KJV?

They view the translation to be an English preservation of the very words of God and that they are as accurate as the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts found in its underlying texts.

Did KJV Change The Bible?

Over 30,000 changes were made, of which more than 5,000 represent differences between the Greek text used for the Revised Version and that used as the basis of the King James Version. Most of the other changes were made in the interest of consistency or modernization.

Why Is The KJV Important?

The King James Bible has long been celebrated as one of the most significant texts of all time, not only for its accessible portrayal of the Christian religion, but also for its ability to spread the English language worldwide to become the dominant global language (in both a commercial and cultural sense) that it is today.

KJV Prices In Ghana:

The cost of KJV bible in Ghana starts from an amount of GHc 55.00 to GHc 400.00 in most shops in town…!!!