Industrial Sewing Machine Prices In Ghana

What Is Industrial Sewing Machine?

Industrial Sewing Machines Are designed to be run at higher speed so that higher productivity can be realized, especially for mass-production. High quality industrial sewing machines are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies for stable production of better quality garments.

Types Of Industrial Sewing Machines:

The fundamental difference between both sorts of industrial sewing machines is the design of the bed. The following are the four different sewing machine bed styles and their applications:

  • Flatbed: The most common form, with the arm and needle extending over the machine’s flat base, these machines are similar to traditional sewing machines. This machine is often used to sew flat pieces of fabric together. In most beds, there is some sort of fabric feed system.
  • 2. Cylinder-bed: Rather than a flat base, these machines have a narrow, cylindrical bed. The fabric can now pass around and under the bed. Workers use the cylinder-bed machine to sew cylindrical items like cuffs, but it’s also used on other items like saddles and shoes.
  • 3. Post-bed: they  have bobbins, feed dogs, and/or loopers in a vertical column rising above the machine’s flat base. This column’s height varies based on the machine and its intended use. The post-bed machine is used in applications where access to the sewing area is limited, such as attaching emblems or producing boots or gloves
  • 4. Off-the-arm: The least common type, these machines extend a cylindrical bed perpendicular to the cylinder-bed machine’s bed direction from the back of the machine. This enables long runs of tubular items, such as pants’ inseams, as well as stitching sleeves and shoulder seams.

What Are Industrial Machines Used For?

Industrial machines are for use in large-scale business or manufacturing. In the same way, industrial equipment is used in a large-scale business setting for heavy industry. These machines and equipment are used for large, heavy operations that would otherwise not be practical.

Is An industrial Sewing Machine Better?

Beginner sewing machines are great for most dressmaking or home sewing projects, but if you want to go pro, tackle tougher fabrics or sew items in larger volumes – an industrial sewing machine could be the answer. With their extra speed, power and durability, they’re the super heroes of the sewing world.

How Do I Know If My Sewing Machine Is Industrial?

They come with anywhere from a handful to hundreds of different stitches, both functional and decorative. An industrial machine is more like a semi. It’s big, it’s heavy, and it has one major purpose: being heavy duty for whatever you need it to do.

Who Needs An Industrial Sewing Machine?

Overall, an industrial sewing machine is a great option for anyone who regularly works on sewing or upholstery projects. It’s likely that you’ll get more accomplished within shorter spans of time which is also ideal for those running their own business.

What Are the Features of an Industrial Sewing Machine?

  • More Throat Space. The area between the needle of the sewing machine and the body of the machine itself is called the throat.
  • Made of Stronger Materials.
  • Industrial Sewing Machines are Fast.
  • Industrial Sewing Machine Features.

Industrial Sewing Machine Prices In Ghana:

The estimated price of industrial sewing machine in Ghana starts at GH¢ 1800.00 minimum price and GH¢ 7000.00 maximum price.