About School Of Graduate Studies UCC

About School Of Graduate Studies UCC

The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) of the University of Cape Coast came into being on 1st August, 2008. It began as a Committee on Higher Degrees, with a mandate to advise Senate on the University’s graduate policy and recommend the award of scholarship for approval. In 1992, the Committee on Higher Degrees was transformed to a Board of Graduate Studies.  This Board, a sub-committee of Academic Board was entrusted with responsibility for administering graduate education in the University, until its status was elevated to a School on 1st August, 2008. The School has the mandate to co-ordinate graduate level academic programmes for all Colleges within the University. It also regulates and offers advice on graduate programmes of university colleges affiliated to the University of Cape Coast.

To achieve its vision and mission, the School has four-fold functions:

  1. Draft regulations for all higher degrees with a view to ensuring that acceptable academic standards are maintained.
  2. Receive reports and consider recommendations pertaining to higher degrees and graduate diplomas from Departmental and Faculty Committee of Graduate Studies.
  3. Determine results of higher degrees and graduate diplomas.
  4. Make recommendations to the Academic Board for the award of higher degrees and graduate diplomas.

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About School Of Graduate Studies UCC

School Of Graduate Studies UCC Entry Requirements

School Of Graduate Studies UCC Programmes

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