Contraceptive Prices In Ghana

What Is Contraceptive?

What is contraception explain?

Contraceptive Is defined as the intentional prevention of conception through the use of various devices, sexual practices, chemicals, drugs, or surgical procedures. Thus, any device or act whose purpose is to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant can be considered as a contraceptive.

What Is Contraceptive Used For?

Use of contraception prevents pregnancy-related health risks for women, especially for adolescent girls, and when births are separated by less than two years, the infant mortality rate is 45% higher than it is when births are 2-3 years apart and 60% higher than it is when births are four or more years apart.

How Do Contraceptives Work?

You become pregnant when an egg released from your ovary (the organ that holds eggs) is fertilized by sperm. The fertilized egg attaches to the inside of your womb (uterus), where it develops into a baby. Hormones in your body control the release of the egg from the ovary called ovulation and prepare your body to accept the fertilized egg.

Hormonal contraceptives (the pill, the patch, and the vaginal ring) all contain a small amount of human-made estrogen and progestin hormones. These hormones inhibit your body’s natural hormones to prevent pregnancy in a few ways. The hormonal contraceptive usually stops the body from ovulating. They also change the cervical mucus to make it difficult for the sperm to go through the cervix and find an egg. They can also prevent pregnancy by changing the lining of the womb so it’s unlikely the fertilized egg will be implanted.

What Are 5 Methods Of Birth Control?

  • Barrier methods. Examples include male and female condoms, as well as the diaphragm, cervical cap and contraceptive sponge.
  • Short-acting hormonal methods.
  • Long-acting hormonal methods.
  • Sterilization.
  • Spermicide or vaginal gel.
  • Fertility awareness methods.

Are Contraceptives Safe?

Birth control pills are safe for most women. The pill has been available for 60 years, so there is a lot of comfort and experience with its use. A small percentage of women who take the combination (estrogen-containing) birth control pill have an increased risk for developing these rare complications: Blood clots.

When can I start taking the contraceptive pill?

First Day Start – Take your first pill during the first 24 hours of your menstrual cycle. No back-up contraceptive method is needed when the pill is started the first day of your menses.

Why do people use contraceptives?

Reasons for Using Contraception

Even though the purpose of birth control is to prevent pregnancy, many women choose to use contraception because of certain health advantages. For example, some hormonal birth control methods may help regulate your period, reduce acne, and/or lower endometriosis-related pain.

Why we should use contraceptives?

Contraceptive methods have a range of benefits other than their primary purpose of pregnancy prevention. Contraception reduces pregnancy-related morbidity and mortality, reduces the risk of developing certain reproductive cancers, and can be used to treat many menstrualrelated symptoms and disorders.

Need for Contraception

Protection Against Unwanted Pregnancy

A growing number of women and men of reproductive age wish to regulate their fertility and have fewer children. Between the ages of 20 and 44, a fertile, sexually-active woman is potentially capable of giving birth about 12 times, even if she breastfeeds each baby for 1 year. To avoid the need for an abortion, she has to successfully practice birth control for 16–20 of her roughly 25 childbearing years .

Couples are faced with conflicting goals of achieving satisfying sex life and keeping a small family, failure to do so results in unwanted pregnancy and abortions. When abortion seeking is risky, late or in the hands of unsafe providers or unhygienic conditions, it can lead to both reproductive morbidity and maternal mortality. World over, if contraception is accessible and used consistently and correctly by women wanting to avoid pregnancy, maternal deaths would decline by an estimated 25–35%. In India, the surveys suggest that abortions are responsible for 10–20% of all maternal deaths. There is a need for awareness regarding effective contraceptive methods, their correct and consistent use.

Need for Protection Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases

The transmissibility of several STIs and HIV/AIDS is greater from infected man to uninfected woman than the reverse. The vagina offers a large mucosal surface exposed to the partner’s sexual secretions and a more conducive environment for microbial growth than the penile surface in men, therefore biologically, women are more vulnerable to STIs than men. Since the infected semen stays in the vagina for a while, a man can infect the woman more effectively. Also semen contains higher concentration of virus than the woman’s sexual secretions. Thus, men are twice more effective as transmitters of STIs than women.

Vulnerability of Adolescents

Usually younger women, married or unmarried, are less likely to be using contraception than older women, even in countries where contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) is high [6]. At macro level, laws, regulations and social policies that determine the access to contraception, affect adult and adolescent women alike in terms of the types of contraceptives that are permitted for distribution or prescription. But at the micro level, there are differences between adolescents and adult women, in fertility level, maturity, knowledge, negotiation in sexual relations and experience, coupled with social expectations affecting their behavioral patterns, as they relate to contraceptive acceptance and use. This increases their vulnerability to unprotected sex and its adverse consequences manifold.

Early sexual debut for adolescent girls means that chances of exposure to infections begin even before completing the process of physiological maturation. Though the systems have begun to function, the defense mechanisms are still evolving, particularly of the cervix. The cervical mucus acts as non-specific barrier for various ascending organisms in adult women. Adolescents do not have the benefit of this mucosal defensive mechanism till several years after menarche. This increases their susceptibility to infection up to six times compared to their adult counterparts, particularly gonorrhoea, chlamydia and HIV.

Contraceptive Methods

Traditional Methods

Coitus Interruptus or Withdrawal 

Involves withdrawal of penis from the vagina just before ejaculation, thus preventing semen from entering the woman. This is perhaps the oldest contraceptive method known to man, but it depends on the cooperation of the male partner. This is not a reliable method and may fail if semen escapes before ejaculation or is left on external sex organs. Man needs good self-control, both emotionally and physically, for this method to succeed.

Lactational Amenorrhoea Method 

Nursing women secrete hormones that prevent conception for about 6 months. It prevails if there is no menses and full breast-feeding day and night is maintained. This is more a myth as, breast-feeding is irregular, 60% women start menstruating by the third month. Not reliable in instances where baby sleeps through the night, or in case of sore, cracked or inverted nipples and breast abscess. Many unsuspecting women conceive during this period before return of menstruation.

Rhythm Method 

This method requires predicting ovulation, the period when the woman is most fertile, by recording the menstrual pattern, or body temperature, or changes in cervical mucus, or a combination of these (symptom-thermal method). Intercourse is avoided on fertile days. Although a large number of people claim knowledge of this method, only a small proportion can actually identify the fertile period of the month. It cannot be used by women who have irregular periods, or after childbirth, or during menopausal years. Intercourse is limited to some days of the month only. The method requires careful record keeping for calculating the safe period.

Modern Methods

Male Condom 

In this, a thin rubber or latex sheath (condom) is rolled on the erect penis before intercourse. It prevents semen (sperms) from entering the woman. The method is 95% effective if used correctly. It can be used by all age groups, safely. No prior medical examination is required and is easily available without prescription. It serves as the most effective method in providing twin protection of contraception and STI disease. The major drawback in this method is related to compliance, inconsistency and incorrect use. Total use by men in India varies from 2 to 14% in Punjab and 18% in Delhi [11]. There are disadvantages intrinsic to this method, as it may tear or slip if not used properly. Expired or perforated condoms should not be used. Extra supply should be maintained in readiness whenever required.

Female Condom 

This is a vaginal pouch made of latex sheath, with one ring at each end. The closed end ring is inserted inside the vagina and works as the internal anchor. Outer portion covers and protects the external genitalia. It is reliable, hypo-allergic with high acceptance in test groups although its cost could be a major deterrent to use. It is a female controlled method and protects from both unwanted pregnancy and STDs. Size and hardness of inner ring may be uncomfortable to some users. Extensive promotion and persuasion among female users is required to make it popular.

Oral Contraceptive Pills 

The combined pill consists of two hormones: estrogen and progesterone. This is to be taken everyday orally by the woman. The pill works by preventing the release of the egg, thickening of cervical mucus and by altering tubal motility. It is to be prescribed after a medical check-up. Almost 100% effective if taken regularly. It is an easy and convenient, woman-controlled method and does not interfere with love-making. There is regular monthly cycle often with reduced pain and bleeding. Can be discontinued when pregnancy is desired. The pills must be taken regularly and do not work when consumed later than 12 h. The pills are unsuitable for women over 35 years or those with family history of heart, liver diseases, hypertension, diabetes or unexplained vaginal bleeding. Failure rates are higher in younger, less educated women. Adolescents are less likely to take pills correctly and consistently.


These inhibit ovulation and also increase the viscosity of the cervical secretions to form a barrier to sperms. It is a 99% effective, easily administered method, suitable during lactation too. It has non-contraceptive advantages, like recession of ovarian cysts or breast lumps. Menstrual cycle may become irregular, spotting or cease altogether as long as the injectables are used. There may be gain in weight and return to fertility may take time. Subsequent injections should not be delayed more than 2 weeks from the prescribed date. Counseling and support are needed for women when this method is chosen.

Emergency Contraceptive Pill 

Here, two doses of the pill, separated by 12 h, are taken within 3 days (72 h) of unprotected intercourse. Depending on the time of menstruation it is taken, it can prevent ovulation, fertilization or implantation of the fertilized egg. It is available without prescription. Its uses include-prevention of pregnancy after condom tear/slips, when two oral pills are missed in succession, when an intra-uterine device is expelled and there is fear of conception, in case injectables are delayed by more than 2 weeks.

Surgical Methods

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) 

A small flexible, plastic device, usually with copper, is inserted into the womb by a qualified medical practitioner, after menstruation, abortion, or 4-6 weeks after delivery. It prevents the fertilized egg from settling in the womb. Copper ions have spermicidal activity. It is 95–98% effective, does not interfere with love-making and can be removed when pregnancy is desired. It may cause heavy bleeding in some women. Pelvic inflammation in women, especially those exposed to STDs, may occur. Sometimes the IUD loosens and detaches and hence should be checked periodically. It may increase risk of ectopic pregnancy. It is unsuitable for women with cervical or pelvic infection, uterine fibroids, heavy menstruation, or unexplained vaginal bleeding.

Female Sterilization (Tubectomy) 

This is a permanent surgical method in which the fallopian tubes are cut and ends tied to prevent the sperms from meeting the eggs. It is a very reliable method requiring only 1 day of hospitalization and can be performed anytime, preferably after last child’s birth. Rarely, the tubes may join and fertility may return. A few women tend to have heavier periods after this method. Though this is a permanent method, the operation can be reversed, though the results may not be always successful. Hence the couple should be firm about their decision before opting for this method.

Male Sterilization (Vasectomy) 

A permanent surgical method in which, the vasa deferentia which carry the sperms from the testes to the penis, are blocked. This prevents the sperms from being released into the semen at the time of ejaculation. It is a simple and reliable method not requiring hospitalization. Contrary to popular belief, it does not affect health or sexual vigour, neither does it interfere with intercourse.

What are benefits of taking the Contraceptives?

  • Regulate or lighten menstruation.
  • Prevent anemia by making periods lighter or shorter.
  • Lessen menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea).
  • Manage premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD).
  • Treat polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
  • Treat endometriosis or uterine fibroids.
  • Lower the risk of ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and colon cancer.
  • Improve acne.
  • Stop unwanted hair growth.
  • Reduce migraines.
  • Control hot flashes during the transition into menopause.

Contraceptive Prices In Ghana:

The following are the type of emergency contraceptive pills we have in Ghana that can be purchased at any pharmacy or licensed over-the-counter medicine sales point without prescription.

Emergency ContraceptivePrice
Postinor 2 OriginalGHS 32.00
Lydia Emergency PillGHS 10.00
Levon-2GHS 10.00
XtivorGHS 10.00
LenorGHS 10.00