

The Serials Department is responsible for the subscription of recommended peer-reviewed journals, bulletins, annual reports, conference proceedings, newsletters and local newspapers to enhance teaching, research and learning in the University. some of these publications are also received as donations, gifts and legal deposits, Notable among donors to the Serials Department are the UN and its agencies like WHO, FAO and UNESCO, Book Aid International and the World Bank and its affiliates. The Graphic Communications Group also sends copies of all its publications to the Department in compliance with the Book and Newspaper Registration Act 1.

All materials in the Serials Department are for reference only, however, library users may on request be permitted to make photocopies of journals articles and other relevant documents on conditions that they follow strictly copyright laws on photocopying.

A database, dubbed NINDEX, has been created for the local newspapers. As at the end of May 2008, over 46,160 records had been entered into it. The database has become an indispensable source of primary information for postgraduates and final year undergraduates working on projects and writing dissertations and theses.