MSc. Development Finance At KNUST IDL

Development finance can be broadly defined as the use of public sector resources to facilitate private sector investment in low and middle-income countries where the commercial or political risks are too high to attract purely private capital, and where the investment is expected to have a positive developmental.

  MSc Development Finance At KNUST Degree

MSc programmes are of One (1) Academic Year durations

The programme is aimed to produce middle level and top management
professionals with relevant skills in development finance to enable them
tackle the challenges posed by the market players. It aims at equipping
students with knowledge of the key issues and debates in financing
development. It is also aimed to equip students with the necessary skills
to make a meaningful contribution to policy formulation and
implementation, by focusing on financial development policy and
financial management, with specific reference to developing countries.

MSc Development Finance At KNUST Entry Requirement

A good first degree in Economics, Finance and related disciplines from a recognised University or other higher institutions of learning.