IVF Prices In Ghana

What Is IVF?

In Vitro Fertilisation Is a process of fertilisation where an egg is combined with sperm in vitro. The process involves monitoring and stimulating a woman’s ovulatory process, removing an ovum or ova from her ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a culture medium in a laboratory. 

Who Normally Needs IVF?

People choose IVF for many reasons, including infertility issues or when one partner has an existing health condition. Some people will try IVF after other fertility methods have failed or if they’re at an advanced maternal age.

When Should I Start IVF?

Most IVF cycles commence at the time of the women’s menstrual period. The details that follow are grouped into the three Basic Principles of the IVF process and may be adjusted based on the individualized needs of the patient.

How Do I Prepare My Body For IVF?

How to Prepare for IVF:

  • Eat a healthy, well balanced diet.
  • Start taking prenatal vitamins.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Stop smoking, drinking alcohol and recreational drugs.

What Are The 5 Stages Of IVF?

The process consists of five steps:

  • Step 1: Medication. The woman is given injection hormones to stimulate healthy egg development.
  • Step 2: Harvest the eggs.
  • Step 3: Fertilization.
  • Step 4: Embryo culture.
  • Step 5: Embryo transfer.

How Does IVF Work?

During IVF , mature eggs are collected (retrieved) from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab. Then the fertilized egg (embryo) or eggs (embryos) are transferred to a uterus. One full cycle of IVF takes about three weeks. Sometimes these steps are split into different parts and the process can take longer.

Why Do People Get IVF Pregnancy?

IVF is done to help a woman become pregnant. It is used to treat many causes of infertility, including: Advanced age of the woman (advanced maternal age) Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes (can be caused by pelvic inflammatory disease or prior reproductive surgery).

Is IVF A Painful Procedure?

This process is not painful. However, we may have patients take an oral sedative prior to the transfer to relax the cervix. For a day or two after treatment, patients may experience some abdominal cramping.

How Many Eggs Does A Woman Need For IVF?

As a rule of thumb, however, having about ten to 12 mature eggs after egg retrieval (not all eggs retrieved will be developed or mature enough to fertilize) is a good number of eggs and will give a woman a good chance of having at least one normal embryo, which gives a woman a 65 percent chance of pregnancy.

How Many Eggs Do You Need For IVF To Work?

Women under 38 in our IVF program have acceptable live birth rates even with only 3 – 6 eggs, do better with more than 6 eggs, and do best with more than 10 eggs. Women 38-40 and 41-42 years old have low live birth rates with low egg numbers. Success rates are much better when relatively high egg numbers are obtained.

How Long Do IVF Process Takes?

IVF is not a single treatment but a series of procedures. An average IVF cycle takes about 6 to 8 weeks from consultation to transfer, but depending on the specific circumstances of each the path is similar for every patient. What varies is how your body responds at each stage.

How Successful Is IVF On First Trial?

The national average for women younger than 35 able to become pregnant by in-vitro fertilization (IVF) on the first try (meaning, the first egg retrieval) is 55%.

How Many Rounds Of IVF Does It Take To Get Pregnant?

Most couples have to undergo that previously mentioned three IVF rounds or more. The process takes its toll on mental and emotional health, and infertility/fertility treatments also take their toll on relationships.

Are IVF Babies Normal?

IVF is a different way of conception from normal sexual intercourse. But the IVF children are as normal as other children concerning their mental and physical attributes.

IVF Prices In Ghana:

Generally, the cost of IVF in Ghana ranges between GHS 12,000 – GHS 40,000 per cycle.