Blood Pressure Monitor Prices In Ghana

What Is Blood Pressure Monitor?

Blood Pressure Monitor (Sphygmomanometer) Is a device used to measure blood pressure, composed of an inflatable cuff to collapse and then release the artery under the cuff in a controlled manner, and a mercury or aneroid manometer to measure the pressure.

Why Is It Called (Sphygmomanometer)?

The word Sphygmomanometer Is derived from the Greek word ‘sphygmos’ meaning beating of the heart or the pulse and manometer mean the device used for measuring the pressure or tension. This instrument was invented by Samuel Siegfried Karl Ritter von Basch in the year 1881.

Why Was Blood Pressure Monitor invented?

Cushing introduced cuff in U.S. Harvey Cushing first brought a Riva-Rocci cuff to the United States in 1901 as a method to reduce mortality while patients were under anesthesia during his early experiments with intracranial surgeries.

What Is High Blood Pressure Caused From?

What causes high blood pressure? High blood pressure usually develops over time. It can happen because of unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as not getting enough regular physical activity. Certain health conditions, such as diabetes and having obesity, can also increase the risk for developing high blood pressure.

What Is A Blood Pressure Monitor Used For?

To measure blood pressure, your doctor uses an instrument call a sphygmomanometer, which is more often referred to as a blood pressure cuff. The cuff is wrapped around your upper arm and inflated to stop the flow of blood in your artery.

What Is Blood Pressure Monitor And How It Works?

A sphygmomanometer has three parts: a cuff that can be inflated with air, a pressure meter (manometer) for measuring air pressure in the cuff, and. a stethoscope for listening to the sound the blood makes as it flows through the brachial artery (the major artery found in your upper arm).

Is Blood Pressure Monitor More Accurate?

The results of this study suggested that manual method in measurement of BP frequently shows higher BP, especially in patients admitted to hospitals-affecting up to 15 mmHg higher, and this discrepancy is more in critical situations.

What Are Two Types Of Blood Pressure Monitor?

Electronic and Manual. Electronic blood pressure monitors: automatically measure blood pressure and provide a digital display of the measurement. They are mainly used by patients for self-measurement but are also increasingly being used by health care professionals.

How To Measure Your Blood Pressure At Home Using Monitor;

  • Follow the instructions that came with your monitor.
  • Place the arm cuff just above your elbow.
  • Keep still and quiet while you take your reading.
  • Take two or three readings, each about one to two minutes apart.
  • Keep a record of your measurements.

How Do You Read Blood Pressure Monitor?

Turn the knob on the pump toward you (counterclockwise) to let the air out slowly. Let the pressure fall 2 millimeters, or lines on the dial, per second while listening for your heart sounds. Note the reading when you first hear a heartbeat. This is your systolic pressure.

How Do I know If My Blood Pressure Monitor Is Accurate?

“If the systolic blood pressure (the top number) on your cuff is within 10 points of the monitor, then it’s generally accurate,” he says. Most home blood pressure machines last for about two or three years. After that, check it at your doctor’s office annually to make sure it’s still accurate.

What The Most Accurate BP Monitor?

Upper Arm Monitors are the only type recommended by the American Heart Association because they’re the most accurate. The cuff wraps around the upper part of your arm and tightens to measure your blood pressure.

Prices Of Blood Pressure Monitor In Ghana;

Best Blood Pressure Monitor GH₵ 250

Voice Digital BP Monitor Arm Blood Pressure Monitor GH₵ 190

Digital Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor GH₵ 150

OMRON M2 Automatic Blood Monitor GH₵ 449