Ghana Institute Of Languages GIL east legon

Ghana Institute Of Languages GIL east legon

School of Bilingual Secretaryship (SOBS)

The SOBS is located in the headquarters,Accra east legon

The duration of the course is three years.

Students of SOBS graduate with the Higher National in Bilingual Secretaryship after a three year intensive course. Products of the School get ready employment in Ghana and abroad since they are well armed as bilingual secretaries. The academic curriculum includes English Language, French Language, English Typing and Shorthand, French Typing and Shorthand, Computer Studies, Law, Accounting, Commercial French, Introduction To translation, Business Organization and economics.

School of Translators (SOT)

The SOT is located in the headquarters, Accra east  legon

Students are required to spend one year abroad for language immersion. Anglophones go to the University of Benin while Francophones spend the year in the United Kingdom. or any approved Anglophone country

Students of the School of Translators graduate with a B.A Translation in English, French and a third language chosen from among Arabic, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

The duration of the course is four years for holders of SSSCE/ A’ Level, three years for Baccalauret holders or B.A Degree in languages without a third language, and two years for holders of B.A degree in languages with a third language