How To Buy Land In Ghana

Land is the solid surface of the Earth that is not permanently covered by water.

See the Land with Your Eyes.

Search for the Land.

What is cadastral plan ?

Get Your Own Surveyor.

Purchase and Transfer Agreement.

Installment of Outright Payment.

Checking litigants.

Register Your Land.

Easy Way Out

How much does an acre of land cost in Ghana?

Price: $516 per acre. This farmland has all necessary documents intact and without litigation.

How much does it cost to register a land in Ghana?

The fee for publication is GHC 25 for land the size of 0.25 acres or less. Where the Land Certificate is urgently required, the applicant has the option to choose what is known as “special publication”. In that case, the amount payable is GHC 95.

How long can you own a land in Ghana?

fifty yearsThe Constitution prohibits foreigners from owning land in Ghana and limits them to leaseholds of no more than fifty years.

Can I buy freehold land in Ghana?

Ghanaian can be granted a freehold interest in any type of land apart from stool land.

In practice, a Ghanaian may be granted a lease for a term of 99 years or 50 years at a time. The law does not impose an obligation on the landlord to renew a tenancy.