mechanic job

Who is a mechanic and what do they do? The service mechanic’s work includes mostly the servicing of a wide range of instruments, machinery and equipment, where electronic parts often play an important role. These mechanics usually work as servicemen for larger companies offering electronic products or for telecommunication companies within a given region.

What are the activities of the mechanic? Assembling, adjusting, and repairing mechanical equipment and instruments as well as laboratory equipment, gauges, copiers, computers, telexes, automated and computer-controlled units, projection and audio/video equipment (mechanics usually specialise in one or more of the above fields); they also prepare working models and prototypes of the above instruments and equipment.

Where is it done and under what conditions?
In general engineering shops and plants, repair and servicing companies and customer’s houses. In some cases the working environment may involve noise and working with objects which are hard to reach.

What tools/equipment do they use? Various hand tools (screwdrivers, pliers, etc.), measuring and diagnostic instruments, soldering/brazing equipment and their own skilled hands.

What do you need to succeed? You need vocational training, accuracy, fast judgement, manual dexterity, technical imagination and ability to learn.