Universities in Libya

List of universities in Libya

Libya, is a country in the Maghreb region of North Africa bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad and Niger to the south, and Algeria and Tunisia to the west.

these are the Universities in Libya ;


7th October Misurata University Misurata Homepage
Academy of Graduate Studies Tripoli Homepage
Al-Fateh Medical University Tripoli Homepage
Al-Fateh University Tripoli Homepage
Al-Tahadi University Homepage
Arab Medical University Tripoli Homepage
Asmarya University for Islamic Studies Homepage
Civil Aviation and Meteorology Higher Institute Homepage
Elmergib University Homepage
Garyounis University Banghazi Homepage
Higher Institute of Electronics Bani-Walid Bani-Walid Homepage
High Institute for Engineer Science Bani Walid Homepage
High Institute of Industrial Technology Homepage
High Institute of Medical Technology Misurata Homepage
Libyan International Medical University Tripoli Homepage
Libya Open University Tripoli Homepage
Omar Al-Mukhtar University Tripoli Homepage
Sebha University Sebha Homepage
Seventh of April University Tripoli Homepage

the above list is the Universities in Libya

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