By | 26 October 2017

Koforidua Technical University : Best Overall HND Student – 2017

Vice Chancellor’s Special Award – Overall Best Female Student and Best Graduating Student HND Computer Science, Akotuah Veronica Oparebea

She Studied HND Computer Science and was the president of Ladies in Science and Technology Association, It is an association to inspire more ladies into technology.

She was an Ambassador for the Computer science department in the Women in Science and Technology Association.

And was a Facilitator of Code Ghana. A one week code camp organized for young children from lower primary to Junior High School to introduce them to programming and basic networking.

She has worked at Scynett Ghana in Koforidua as a web developer for two years and currently working at West Blue Consulting as a software developer.

She is currently reading BSc Computer Science at Koforidua Technical University.