By | 29 January 2018

2018 Anglophone Regional Workshop on Surveillance, Monitoring and Evaluation of Malaria Control Programs

Since 2010, the University of Ghana, School of Public Health, in collaboration with MEASURE Evaluation, has offered an annual, regional workshop on surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation (SME) of malaria programs.

This workshop fulfills a need for better SME support to generate high-quality data and to analyze and use data to better inform program planning at the country level. To build the capacity of professionals in Africa, this non-degreed course provides training in the tools and techniques used to monitor and evaluate malaria programs.

Workshop Objectives

The workshop aims to:

•   Build skills in fundamental concepts and practical approaches to SME of malaria programs

•   Discuss programmatic applications of main tools and data systems used to monitor and evaluate malaria programs

•   Provide a venue for participants to share and learn from other country experiences to strengthen their SME systems

•   Create an alumni group of SME experts


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View the details in the document below;

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all”]

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