How Much Does Tricycle Cost In Ghana

A vehicle, especially one for children, having one large front wheel and two small rear wheels, propelled by foot pedals. a velocipede with three wheels propelled by pedals or hand levers. a three-wheeled motorcycle.

How Much Does Tricycle Cost In Ghana

Tricycle Price in Ghana

Tricycle ModelPrice
2017 Apsonic AP110 TricycleGHC 3,800
Brand New Binpeng Motor TricycleGHC 7,000

What Is The Use Of Tricycle?

Some tricycles, such as cycle rickshaws (for passenger transport) and freight trikes, are used for commercial purposes, especially in the developing world, particularly Africa and Asia. In the West, adult-sized tricycles are used primarily for recreation, shopping, and exercise.

What Are The Benefits Of Tricycle

  • A tricycle offers more stability than an average two-wheel bike.
  • You can’t (almost) get out of balance on a tricycle, even if you cycle slowly.
  • A tricycle doesn’t fall over when it is stationary.
  • With a tricycle you can easily get on and off the bike.

What Is The Characteristics Of Tricycle?

The “traditional tricycle” is a bicycle with two rear wheels and one front wheel where the cyclist sits above the bracket. You pedal straight down and the bicycle has a relatively high seating position.

Accessible To All Tricycle

Not everyone will be able to ride a bicycle. There are people with mobility and balance issues or simply they do not have the confidence to balance and cycle on two wheels. A tricycle offers a cycling experience for a much wider group of people, including the disabled, those with autism or dyspraxia, people who never learned do ride a bike when they were younger and the elderly.

Greater Visibility Tricycle

A tricycle is wider than a bicycle and is therefore much easier to be seen by other people on the road. Being more visible in traffic is a huge bonus for safety.

Safer Cycling Tricycle

Tricycles are obviously more balanced than bicycles and while many people do manage to ride a two-wheeled bike, having the extra stability of two wheels at the rear or front can be a benefit. If you feel nervous in a lot of traffic or worried about staying upright on paths and trails, a tricycle can boost confidence.

Great For The Environment Tricycle

All types of cycling save the climate costs of alternative carbon-busting forms of transport, such as cars. Making cycling more accessible to everyone will only be an advantage to the environment.

Fewer Injuries Tricycle

You are far less likely to fall off a stable tricycle compared to a two-wheeler. This means that cycling accidents are better avoided.

Ride Further In Comfort Tricycle

Many people who ride tricycles will tell you it is a more comfortable form of exercise. You do not need to use muscles to balance the bike and you can therefore use less energy to cycle further.

Great for travel

If you are planning a longer-distance cycling holiday, a tricycle could be a good choice because it is easier to carry luggage. Tricycles are generally larger and more sturdy so you can transport luggage with greater ease.

Different Types Of Tricycles

Like bicycles, there are different types and models of tricycles, too. Take a look at tricycles from Jorvik for ideas.E-tricycles, for example, have the bonus of battery-powered pedalling so you can go further with less effort.There are tricycles in smaller sizes for younger or shorter people and traditional tricycles with the two wheels at the rear.Some tricycles have two wheels at the front and one at the rear, while there are also recumbent trikes, where you lie on your back and pedal. If you want to tricycle your child to school, check out the trikes with carriers for kids as well.And there are also mountain tricycles, which have been designed to cope with off-road trials and all the bumps that come with that type of cycling.