By | 28 June 2016

Teachers beater arrested

The Nima Police on Tuesday dawn arrested a certain Hamza Mohammed, suspected to be the ring leader in the infamous assault visited on teachers of St. John’s Primary 1 & 2 School at Accra Newtown.

It has turned out that the suspect is the boyfriend of the 15-year old girl whose punishment by her class teacher triggered the trouble and also an old student of the school.

DAILY GUIDE  gathered from police sources that the girl after being punished by her teacher, angrily left the classroom and reported what she suffered to her boyfriend who organized a taxi-load of thugs to the school and assaulted the teachers.

The incident took place on June 7, 2016 thus tasking the law enforcement officers who have been searching for the suspects to no avail.

Last Monday, seventeen suspects were rounded up and brought to the Nima Police Station for an identification parade which yielded no dividend as none of them was identified as the culprit.

Interestingly a day after the identification parade Hamza Mohammed , 21,  whose name was prominent on the police wanted list  and a past student of the , was nabbed.

Three other suspects, who the Police are chasing and close to nabbing, are Razak aka Eto, Suicide and Cow Bell.

They are believed to be hiding in Accra but family members purportedly told the police that the suspects had travelled to Libya and Mali.

The arrest of suspect Hamza, is a breakthrough for the police since he is believed to be the leader of the thugs who brutally assaulted the teachers.

The attack led to an indefinite closure of the school on June 7, 2016 and is yet to be opened for classes to resume since most of the teachers were demanding that they be transferred from the school.

Reports gathered indicated that the girl was said to have called in thugs led by her boyfriend to beat up the teachers when she was punished for misbehaving after not being able to pronounce  the word ‘entertainment’ during their reading lesson.

The girl, (named withheld), allegedly walked out of the class, when her teacher asked her to “kneel down” but returned 20 minutes later with the thugs numbering about six to attack the teachers.

The thugs wielding sticks, broken bottles, knives, canes and other weapons moved from class to class and brutally assaulted the teachers in the classrooms.

Some of the pupils were also beaten up in the course of the attack.

The reports indicated that the female teachers were the most affected ones but the male teachers bolted by scaling the school wall.

A number of teachers and pupils were injured in the attack while their mobile phones and other personal belongings were also stolen in the process.

One of the pupils, according to reports, who had a mobile phone on him, allegedly took a video footage

of the attack which later went viral on the social media.

ACP Nuhu Jango, the Nima Divisional Police Commander when contacted confirmed the arrest of suspect Hamza and added that in his cautioned statement, he claimed Razak aka Eto, brother of the student, invited him to join him to beat up the teachers.

“Suspect Hamza and the girl in question are being prepared for court,” he added