By | 28 April 2016

Certificate Course in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Nutrition plays an integral role throughout the life cycle, beginning from foetal life and throughout the different stages of the human life. This 4-module course will enable health professionals gain knowledge and understanding, and develop core competencies in these and many other areas:

  • Nutrition for the foetus and mother during pregnancy, lactation and first years of life
  • Assessment of nutritional status for children and adults
  • Principles of diet planning in normal health and during disease
  • Identification, prevention and the WHO steps in treatment of childhood severe malnutrition
  • Nutritional management of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular and liver disease

The course will lead to a Certificate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

Who can apply: Health professionals in both public and private sector including Medical practitioners, nurses, midwives, pharmacists and related professionals
Duration :         2 weeks
Date:               4th to 19th July, 2016
Venue:            College of Science Complex, KNUST
Course fees:    GH₵750.00
International participants fees $800
NB: Course fees include tuition, field trips, course materials and snacks.
Participants can choose to attend specific modules and will receive certificates as such.
For accommodation reservation, kindly notify us by e-mail or phone call.

For further information, contact us on
Phone: 0201237169 or 0507841762
Hurry! Book your place on this course now.