POLI 111: Introduction to the study of Political Science
Definition(s) of Political Science; nature, scope. key approaches to the study of Political
Science; outline of the various branches of Political Science and some basic political processes –
including rule making, policy making, rule application and rule adjudication, interest
articulation and aggregation, political recruitment etc.
POLI 112: Political Institutions
This is a study of African traditional political institutions and modern political institutions
including the executive, legislature, judiciary, bureaucracy, forms of representation and electoral
process, pressure groups and political parties etc.
POLI 211: Introduction to Development Studies
This course provides an introduction to the basic ideas, concepts, principles and theories of
development studies.
POLI 213: Introduction to Public Administration
This course is an introduction to the basic ideas, concepts, principles and theories of public
administration, decentralization, co-production, role of state in national investment etc.
POLI 212: Introduction to International Politics
The course examines the nature, scope and meaning of international politics; theory and its
relevance to international politics, the traditional-scientific debate; the concept of national
interest actors in international politics- state, governmental, non-governmental, etc, determinants
of foreign policy, power in international politics; the Cold War and its aftermath.
POLI 214: Introduction to Comparative Politics
The course deals with basic elements and methods of comparing politics among nations with
case studies. There will be an introduction to key theories: functionalism, modernization,
behaviouralism approach, dependency, etc.
POLI 341: Ancient and Medieval Political Thought
This is a study of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Aquinas and Machiavelli.
POLI 343: Introduction to Political Research
The course will introduce students to aims and objectives social research; different approaches to
research-e.g. empirical research – and their characteristics; problems of verification, objectivity
generalization, explanation (theory building) and prediction; normative and non- normative
knowledge, and computing methods-developing computer-based skills.
i) International Politics:
POLI 345: International Organizations
Topics to be treated in this course include the aims, objectives and problems of the League of
Nations, the aims, objectives, problems and future roles of the United Nations and its agencies, the
OAU/African Union, ECOWAS and European Union.
POLI 347: International Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Human Rights
The course will deal with the nature, sources and types of international conflict, conflict behaviour
among states, mechanisms for conflict resolution (e.g. negotiations, mediation, arbitration), peace
and justice and institutions like International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court etc.).
ii) Comparative Politics:
POLI 349: Ghana from Colonialism to Independence
The course will focus on analyses of colonial policies and their impact – social, economic and
political; the anti-colonial struggle.
POLI 351: Africa: Political Economy of Colonialism
The course will be on the forces that shaped the colonization of Africa; colonialism and its social,
economic and political impact on Africa; liberation movements, struggles for independence.
iii) Development Studies
POLI 353: Theories of Development and Underdevelopment
The course will provide a review of some of the main works on the theories of development and
underdevelopment –classical, liberal and Marxist theories; Rostow, Frank, Amin, Wallerstein.
POLI 355: Identities and Conflicts in Africa
This course will explore theories of identity, identity crisis and governance and their impact on the
state, constitutions, development – civil wars, ethnic and religious strives, minority conflicts –
with case studies.
iv) Public Administration
POLI 357: Organization Theory
The focus of the course will be the structure and functioning of organizations and the behaviour of
groups and individuals within them. Theories of organisation, e.g. structural, group/behavioural,
individual, decision making and policy analysis as well as the socio-technical system will be exa
POLI 359: Public Policy Makings
Models of public policy making and implementation; policy environment; policy networks and
communities; conditions to effective public policy making will be the focus.
POLI 361: Governance and Leadership
The course will look at the concept of governance, leadership, theories, forms of leadership –
traditional, corporate, political etc; relationships between governance and leadership; the role of
governance and leadership in promoting development; barriers to good governance and effective
POLI 363: Terrorism and Global Security
This course will cover traditional theories of global security; changing patterns of security;
emergence of terrorist networks – origins, nature, methods/processes and impact on global
POLI 365: Environmental Politics
This is a study of changing patterns of resource extraction and their impact of environmental
sustainability; international conventions, community rights and environmental movements;
conflicts and livelihoods.
POLI 367: Introduction to American Politics
This course will explore the workings of the federal system of government in theory, practice and
Semester 2
POLI 362: Modern Western Political Thought
This is a study of selected European thinkers Bodin, Montesquieu and James Madison on the rise
of modern state, and the separation of powers and grounds of political obligation and civil
disobedience by Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau etc.
POLI 364: Methods of Political Research
The course will introduce students to inductive and deductive methods; research designexperimental,
Non-experimental (e.g. case study) design etc: formulating a research question or
problem, and explaining or defining the problem – independent and dependent variables, etc;
conceptual definition and operationalisation; units of analysis; formulating hypotheses, types of
hypotheses. Methods of Survey Research. Computing methods- developing computer-based skills.
Problems of measurement – reliability, validity; levels of measurement- nominal, ordinal, interval
and ratio will be dealt with.
i) International Politics:
POLI 346: Africa in the Global System
This course is about the history and dynamics of world economy and global power configurations;
impact on Africa and Africa’s responses.
POLI 348: Regional Integration
This will be an explanation of Changing patterns and structure of integration globally; analyses
and assessment of the African experience.
ii) Comparative Politics
POLI 352: Issues in Comparative Politics
Current and pertinent issues in the study of comparative politics will be considered.
POLI 354: State-Society Relations in Ghana since Independence
The changing relations between the state and society; the underlying factors (including civil
society, military coups); implications for democracy and human security will be explored.
iii) Development Studies Strategies of Development in Africa
POLI 356:
The course will involve discussion of main approaches to development including the neo-liberal,
import substitution industrialization, export-led industrialization, state-led industrialization, basic
needs approach, ERP/SAPs, HIPC, African-based strategies from the Lagos Plan to NEPAD.
POLI 358: Conflict and Society in Africa
The course focuses on the Structure and effects of conflicts; refugees, internally displaced persons
(IDPs), and other vulnerable groups –women, children, the disabled, the aged, etc.
iv) Public Administration
POLI 362: Development Administration
The nature and scope of development and development administration; administrative reform and
innovation etc will be on focus.
POLI 364: Public Policy Process in Ghana
This course is a study of the processes of public policy making as a complex interplay of social
interests and factors, lobbying; advocacy, coalition building.
POLI 366: Politics and Civil Society in Ghana
The idea and emergence of civil society; theories of civil society; civil society and protection of
human rights and democratic values.
POLI 368: Politics in Developing Countries – East and Southern Africa
The course will examine the institutional, economic and social determinants of politics (both
internal and external) using two countries politics from the region as case study.
POLI 372: Political Thought in the Black Diaspora
This course focuses on anti-colonial thinking among African-Americans on Cultural Nationalism,
Pan Africanism and Socialism.
POLI 374: Politics of Industrial Relations in Ghana
This is a survey of the context and dynamics State-Labour relations since 1950s.
Semester 1
POLI 441: Political Economy of Africa’s Development since Independence
This course deals with analyses of domestic and global forces influencing Africa’s development;
changing global power structure and development strategies and trends in Africa.
POLI 443: Applied Political Research
The following areas will be covered in this course: Research topic, problematizing research,
literature review- reasons and scope: data collection: sampling types, probability and nonprobability
samples; direct (e.g. field study) and indirect observation: document analysis;
univariate data analysis and descriptive statistics: measuring relationships and testing hypotheses:
bivariate data analysis; searching for explanations and causal knowledge: multivariate data
analysis; research report writing, citation style and plagiarism: references.
i) International Politics
POLI 445: Politics of International Economic Relations
This course will explore the relations between international politics and international relations;
perspectives on international political/economic relations; the post-war economic order and its
impact on African countries; globalization and the developing world.
POLI 447: Foreign Policy Analysis
This is a study of issues, principles, and factors that influence foreign policy decisions; and also
the various stages, procedures and mechanisms involved.
ii) Comparative Politics
POLI 449: Politics in Developing Countries – Western Africa
This course is designed as a study of the institutional, economic and social bases of politics (both
internal and external) of the region using 2 countries as examples.
POLI 451: Markets, Politics and Society in Ghana
This course will be a study of the interface between market reforms, politics and society, in
particular the changing constitution of the state and effects on human rights; changing social
relations, notions of rights and responsibilities.
iii) Development Studies
POLI 453: Gender and Politics
This course will include topics such as theories of gender relations; sexual hierarchy and sexual
division of labour, domination and subordination in private and public domains; gender an the
problem of access, acquisition, distribution and control of assets/values; women in political
(colonial and postcolonial) economic and social development; conflict and post conflict peacebuilding reconstruction .
POLI 455: Post- Conflict Peace-Building and Transitional Justice
The course focuses on issues of post-conflict reconstruction and security – arms proliferation, drug
trafficking, mercenaries as well as institutions of transitional justice – International Criminal
Court, Truth Commissions, Special courts and tribunals.
iv) Public Administration
POLI 457: Human Resource Development and Management
Students will be exposed to the nature and scope of human resource management (HRM); the
context of HRM; the politics of labour laws; trade unions and industrial relations; employee
resourcing and careers; motivating employees, financial rewards and performance management;
institutional development and managing change. Emphasis will be placed on the public sector.
POLI 459: Decentralization and Local Governance
The course deals with the structure, nature and patterns of local politics; local governance and
administration – structure, practice and problems.
POLI 400: Independent Study
This course is spread over 2 semesters. Students are encouraged to conduct an independent
research-based study on a topic approved by the Department on the basis of which they will write
an essay of not more than 10,000 words.
POLI 461: U.S. Policy towards Africa
This is an overview and analysis of US policy towards Africa and the factors that shape them.
POLI 463: Modern African Thinkers
The course will be a survey of African Political Thought regarding Pan-Africanism, Negritude,
Nationalism, Socialism and Development as expounded by Senghor, Nkrumah, Toure, Nyerere,
Cabral, Kaunda, Awolowo, Azikiwe, Fanon, et
* POLI 465: Policy Monitoring and Evaluation
The course will examine the concepts of monitoring and evaluation; types of monitoring and
evaluation; the role of evaluators; criteria and techniques for policy monitoring and evaluation and
case studies.
POLI 467: The Military and Politics in Ghana
The course explores factors determining military intervention in politics and disengagement;
social economic and political consequences of military regimes.
Semester 2
POLI 442: Social and Political Theory
This course will focus on the nature and task of political theory; its relation to other social science
disciplines as well as Normative and empirical political theory.
POLI 444: Electoral Politics and Democracy in Ghana
The course is a study of the factors shaping electoral politics – social, structural, political factors;
changing patterns of electoral politics; meaning of elections and democracy; the interplay between
the dynamics of elections and democracy etc.
i) International Politics
POLI 446: Ghana’s Foreign Policy
Factors underlying the foreign policy options of various governments since 1957 will be
POLI 448: Issues in Africa’s International Relations
This course is a study of current trends and forces that shape Africa’s relations in the global
system, e.g., Globalisation, NEPAD, Human Security, Debt, HIV/AIDS, Environment, Arms
proliferation, WTO etc.
ii) Comparative Politics
POLI 452: Political and Economic Reform and Democracy in Africa
The course deals with topics such as the politics of reform and the transition to democracy –
internal and external influences; nature of democracy, forms of existing democracy; factors
shaping democratic practices and problems and challenges.
POLI 454: Civil-Military Relations in Africa
The course will explore Theories of civil- military relations; patterns of civil military relations in
African countries under colonial rule, and in post colonial African countries – a comparative
analysis of formal mechanisms and institutions of civil control of the armed forces; changing
patterns and models, the internal/ domestic (including history and politics) and internal
forces/factors of change; changing legal and political mechanisms, institutions and frameworks;
implications for political stability and political change, human rights and security and social
iii) Development Studies
POLI 456: NGOs and Development in Africa
The course will examined the crisis of the state and development in Africa, emergence of NGOs –
the international and national dimensions/factors, the role of NGOs and the state in grassroots and
national development
POLI 458: Politics of Identity in Ghana
The course will deal with ethnic, regional, religious and other factors shaping forms of political
action and alignments and forms of state response.
iv) Public Administration
POLI 462: Public Sector Reforms and Social Development
The course will focus on analyses of the role the public sector in social development; costs and
benefits; changing structure of, and perspectives on, the public sector; its political dynamics and
impact on social development.
POLI 464: Politics and the Bureaucracy in Africa
The course will deal with the State, clientelism, prebendalism, corruption and their impact on
bureaucracy, appointment and training etc.
POLI 466: Politics of Constitution-Making in Ghana
The course examines the purpose and functions of constitutions; historical, political and economic
factors and social forces that shape constitutions; the process of constitution-making, its dynamics,
the issues and contexts; models of constitution-making processes and a comparative analysis of
POLI 468: Human Rights in Africa
The course will look at Theories of human rights, human rights instruments, institutions and
practices; global response to human rights issues, migration.
POLI 472: Public Finance Administration
The course will deal with Public finance policy; welfare criteria and market failure; public and
private goods; collective decision making and the search for the public interest; public expenditure
growth; the basic concepts in taxation and problems of tax collection and management; the public
debt; the budget process and role of institutions in ensuring fiscal discipline and accountability and
fiscal decentralization.
POLI 474: Politics in Developing Countries – Northern Africa
The course is a study of the institutional, economic and social bases of politics (both internal and
external) of the region using 2 countries as examples.
POLI 476: Politics of the Industrialized Countries – Europe/North America
This is a study of the institutional, economic and social politics on the region using 2 countries as